About Surrender
Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, is a disease characterized by lack of ability to control drinking, often in spite of serious consequences. According to the American Bar Association, as many as one in five lawyers is a problem drinker, which is more than twice the national rate.
Alcohol Use Disorders, ABA/Lawyers Assistance Programs/ Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs/ Resources, January 13, 2021. A recent study published in the ABA Journal reports that anxiety and stress are higher among women attorneys and a larger percentage of women than men are drinking excessively. ABA Journal, More female than male lawyers are engaging in risky drinking, new study finds, by Stephanie Francis Ward, May 12, 2021.
For lawyers, judges, paralegals, others in the legal system who struggle with issues of substance abuse or depression, a Lawyers Assistance Program is available in every state. The program is one of strict confidentiality. To find the program in your state, go to: https://www.americanbar.org/
Alcoholics Anonymous operates in every state, and around the world. This too is a program of strict confidentiality. To find a meeting near you, go to www.aa.org, click on AA Near You from the left-hand menu, you will find the state contact information, which will lead you to local meeting schedules.
Al-Anon Family Groups are available to families and friends of alcoholics and addicts in every state and around the world. Go to www.al-anon.org, click Meetings from the top menu, and then click on Find an Al-Anon Meeting.
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