The Community Entrepreneurs Foundation, Inc. (CEF) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help offenders and ex-offenders returning to the community establish and run legitimate businesses. Clients must be self-disciplined individuals who thrive on challenge and accountability. They must be committed to succeed – to take full advantage of this re-entry program, and the opportunity it offers to transform their lives.
CEF offers clients business education, training and mentoring, to enable them to productively re-enter society. The program’s aim is to offer our clients meaningful ways to serve their community and care for themselves and their families and to reduce the rate of return to prison, which is now at an estimated 85% nationally. CEF volunteer executives and other professionals serve as mentors to the clients, to help them develop the skills and experience they need to run their own businesses. The program has a cooperative relationship with area business schools and colleges, to help the clients develop their business plans, marketing studies, and organizational profiles. Each client will be expected to use what she/he gains from the program to mentor other clients and to contribute to the community.
All proceeds from the sale of China White will benefit the Community Entrepreneurs Program.
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